23. Thiryanmukha signs
Mesha, VrishaEastMithunaSouth eastern directionKarkata, SimhaSouthKanyaSouth westernTula, vrischikaWestDhanuNorth westernMakara, KumbhaNorthMeenaNorth eastern
Mesha, VrischikaMarsVrischika, TulaVenusMithuna, KanyaMercuryMeena, DhanuJupiterMakara, KumbhaSaturnKarkataMoonSimhaSun
26. Male signs
Mesha, Mithuna, Simha, Tula, Dhanu, Kumbha.
27. Female signs
Vrischika, Karkata, Kanya, Vrischika, Makara, Meena.
29. Water signs
Karkata, Vrischika, Meena, the northern half of Makara. The water signs have special strength if they come as the 4th house after the ascendant.
30. Jalaasraya signs
If any one of Vrischika, Tula, Kanya, Kumbha come as the 7th house after ascendant then the sign has special strength.
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