Interpreting Bhinnashtakavarga

Special Significance
The Bhinnashtakavarga provides certain keys for judging the worth or utility of some signs containing 0 or 8 bindus and also for evaluating the potency of transits through them. Zero or nil bindus sign means a sign without any benefic place (point or bindu). In the Bhinnashtakavarga of any planet, if any sign is without a bindu, it has some special significance. A sign may contain from 0 to 8 bindus.
In the Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury (54 bindus Jupiter (56 bindus) and Venus (52 bindus), one can find a sign having 5 bindus, but to have a sign without any bindu or 0 bindus is rare. On the contrary, 8 bindus in any sign in Bhinnashtakavargas of Mars and Saturn is a rarity, while 0 bindu sign is found very often in them.
Transit of Zero Bindu Signs

When each of the seven planets beginning with the Sun to Saturn transits through a sign in their respective Bhinnashtalcanargas having 0 bindus, the results are as follows:
(i) Sun – Death or its equivalent troubles.
(ii) Moon – Sorrow anxiety, unexpected death
(iii) Mars –  Stomach-ache, fainting, eye disease, death.
(iv) Mercury – Loss of everything (through enemies and intrigue) and consequent death.
(v) Jupiter – Loss of wealth or relations or children, becoming dull.
(vi) Venus – All kinds of calamities and
(vii) Saturn – Loss of everything, probability of death.

Death would be a certainty if on a day, the sum of the bindus associated with the seven planets in the signs transited by them (in their respective Bhinnashtakavargas) be very little.

Chart 1: Male : Born December 31, 1915 at 19h 44m.(IST) at 23N@,72E30, with a balance 10years 6 months 3 days of Rahu dasa at birth.
chart 1
Each planet from the Sun to Venus (six planets) gives a bindu to the sign occupied by himself. The result is that each of them can be associated with a minimum 1 bindu and a maximum of 8 bindus. Saturn does not contribute a bindu to the sign occupied by himself; as such Saturn can be associated with minimum 0 bindus and with maximum 7 bindus only and never, 8.
Zero Bindu Signs

This subject has been treated in two different ways:
1)    0 bindu sign having a planet (out of the remaining six planets) in the Bhinnashtakavarga of a planet;
2)    0 bindu sign not having a planet in it.
The results given for the planets and houses are often found to be very accurate. In Chart 1, in Saturn’s Bhinnashtakavarga., there is no bindu in the 8th house from the Ascendant. The native remained hale and hearty throughout his long life of more than 80 years.

In Chart 2, in Jupiter’s Bhinnashtakavarga, the 12th house from the Ascendant has no bindu. The native, though born in a middle class family, was well-to-do. In Chart 3, in Saturn’s Bhinnashtakavarga the 7th house has no bindu.

Houses with Zero Bindus

The various houses (signs) in any Bhinnashtakavarga having 0 bindu give the following results:-
First House – one suffers from serious disease.
Second-Very poor.
Third – Weak-bodied not daring.
Fourth -Unhappy.
Fifth –  Evil-minded.
Sixth – Successful (victorious).
Seventh – Without marital happiness, loss of wife.
Eighth – Healthy, long-lived.
Ninth – Doing sinful deeds.
Tenth – Without honor, inactive.
Eleventh – A beggar, without income.
Twelfth – Wealthy.

The native’s wife never enjoyed sound health and was always complaining of aches and pains. According to Phaladeepika (XV-12)


खेटो  बिन्दुशून्यर्क्ष युक्त : |
    तत्तपाके मूर्तिभावादिकानां नाशं  व्रयादैवविप्रा श्नकाय ॥

The destruction of a Bhava from the Ascendant onward should be predicted by the astrologer to a querist, during the Dasa or Bhukti of a planet which occupies a house (sign) where there is no bindu. In Chart 1, in Saturn’s Bhinnashtakavarga there is no bindu in Aquarius sign (the 8th house) which is occupied by Jupiter. So Jupiter Dasa (or Bhukti) should destroy the 8th house or be adverse to the native as far as health is concerned.

From the research point of view, the converse (opposite) can also be considered. For instance, there can be enhancement of a Bhava during the Dasa or Bhukti of a planet which occupies a house (sign) where there are 8 bindus in Bhinnashtakavarga of any planet. In Chart 1, in Venus Bhinnashtakavarga there are 8 bindus in Libra (the 4th house) which is occupied by the Moon. So the Moon Dasa or Bhukti should enhance the good results of the 4th house.

The unfavourable results pertaining to the 8th house during Jupiter Bhukti in various Dasa and favourable results pertaining to the 4th house during the Moon Bhuktis in various Dasas were more or less actually experienced by the native.

According to Chandrakala Nadi, Vol-II (Part I, V-439)

सूर्याष्टवर्गे नवमे बिन्दु शून्ये प्रजायते
पित्रुव्यद्वेषमूलेन स्वपित्र रिष्टमादिशेत

If there is 0 bindu in the 9th house (sign) from the Ascendant in the Sun’s Bhinnashtakavarga., the native’s father’s ill-luck, misfortune, injury, loss or calamity is caused by the enmity of father’s brethren. The Sun gives a bindu in the 9th place from him while the ascendant does not contribute a bindu in the 9th place; hence Navame is interpreted as the 9th from the Ascendant.

This principle can be applied to other Karakas also such as the Moon for mother and Venus for wife.

According to Chandrakala Nadi, Vol II(Part I, V-417)

भिन्नाष्टकवर्गे लग्नेशे फलहीनस्य राशिषु Iस्फुटयोगं गते जीवेत्वलपसौरव्य˙‖

When Jupitor transits a sign of the Ascendant, without a bindu in the Bhinnashtakavarga, of the lord of the Ascendant, on the degree of the Ascendant (Sphutayogam) the native has very little happiness .
The lord of Ascendant can be any one of the seven planets. Jupiter’s transit in the Bhinnashtakavarga of the Sun, in a sign having 0 bindus and the transit of the Sun and Saturn concurrently taken into accout cause ill-health, severe sickness and perhaps death.

 Transits in Bhinnashtakavarga
a) SUN – When the Sun transits a sign having 0 bindus in his Bhinnashtakavarga, the solar month represented by that sign every year is auspicious for marriage and other religious functions, quarrels and other miseries occur during that month.
b) MOON – (i)When the Moon transits a sign void of a bindu in his bhinnashtakavarga, one should perform any auspicious work, because all functions undertaken will end in failure. (ii) Even contact or association with persons having their Moon in a sign containing 0 bindu(in the Moon’s Bhinnashtakavarga.)The will result in great disaster.
(c) Mars – Vararuchi, Ch.IV, V.2l

  कुजाष्टकवर्गे...सोदरे बिंदुहीने च भ्रातृहीनों भवेत्र्र :

   (a) If the 3rd house from Mars in his Bhinnashtakavarga is without a bindu, the native has no brother (or sister), (b)When Mars in his  Bhinnashtakavarga transits through a sign without a bindu, the brother or sister of the native will suffer miseries, ill-health, injury etc.

(d)Mercury – If the 2nd house from Mercury in his Bhinnashtakavarga. contains not even  the one bindu, the person born will be dumb.
(e) Jupiter – Practically all standard texts on astrology refer to the 5th house from Jupiter to determine the number of children. But Balabhadra refers to the 9th house from Jupiter in the following verse :
Hora Ratnam, Part II (P. 354, Verse I)

गुरोरष्टकवर्गेषु संतानमपि कल्पयेत|गुरो ∶स्थितः शुभस्थाने विघते यवथा फलम ‖

Chart 2: Male: Born July 28, 1923 at 5h.48m. (lST) at 23N2, 72E39, with a balance 9 years 10 month,1 day of Moon Dasa at birth.

Chart 2

In support of this view, refer to Chart 2, There is no bindu in the 9th house from Jupiter in his Bhinnashtakavarga. The native had no children and died on June 2, 1990 (67th year) when Jupiter was transiting the 12th house (Gemini sign) without a bindu. No doubt, as
referred earlier, the native, having 0 bindu in the l2th house from the Ascendant, was wealthy.
Further research on this point is necessary.

(f) Venus – According to Prabudh Hora Navarna (1- 47)


अल्परेखान्विते शूक्रवर्गराशिगत शनौ Ι
नारीवियोगजं ढु :खं तदा वाधं सुरिभे :॥

Learned astrologers say that when Saturn transits a sign having very few bindus (nil or one) in Venus’ Bhinnashtakavarga., a native suffers from the pangs of separation from his wife (absence of conjugal hoppiness, staying away from wife on account of some unavoidable circumstances).

 (g) Saturn :-(i) When Saturn transits a sign  without a bindu in the Bhinnashtakavarga of the Sun etc., he generally causes acute diseases, miseries, uneasiness, fear from enemies and afflictions to the father and other relations according to their Karakattwa.
Saturn is the Karaka for oneself, the Sun for the father, the Moon for the mother, Mars for the brothers, Mercury for relations and maternal
uncle or aunt, Jupiter for the children and Venus, for the wife.
(ii) According to Vararuchi, Chap IV(62-63)

दुष्टस्थानधिपाथे मन्द दुष्टस्यानांस्थातोपि वा ॥अत्प बुद्धि समायाते जातौ दैन्य मवन्पुयात् lरोगी भवति दुष्टात्मा विद्दभावे मरिष्यति ॥

If Saturn, occupying or owning the 6th, the 8th or the l2th house is associated with one bindu, the native suffers poverty. If such a Saturn is associated with 0 bindus (in the natal chart) the native is a wicked man or suffers from diseases or dies a premature death.

(iii) Narada says,
If Saturn is associated with 0 bindu MAY 2015 in his Bhinnashtakavarga of Saturn in any sign in the natal chart short life will result or the native will lose all his wealth.

Chart 3: Male: Born October 7, 1935, at 5h.10m at23N2, 72E39, with a balance of 9 years 6 days of Moon Dasa at birth.

Chart 3

In Chart 3, Satum, lord of the 6th house is in the 7th house. In the Bhinnashtakavarga of Saturn, the 7th house has no bindu. The native, though born in a rich family, passed through  direct circumstances. He lost the greater part of his paternal wealth in the mid-80’s.

(iv) Find which house (sign) has the minimum number of bindus in the Bhinnashtakavarga., of Saturn. Some kind of trouble will be happening daily at the time when that sign rises in the East (i.e., when that sign becomes the Ascendant).
(v) Find, out the sign with 0 bindus in Bhinnashtakavarga. of Saturn. When Saturn transits that sign, no good results promised by that sign (house) will happen and the native will suffer physical ailments (or bodily sufferings) or incur loss of wealth.

If the Sun and the Moon along with Saturn transit the said sign and if the Dasa or Bhukti of a Maraka planet is in progress, death may
take place.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology (C.S Patel)

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 Special Significance

The Bhinnashtakavarga provides certain keys for judging the worth or utility of some signs containing 0 or 8 bindus and also for evaluating the potency of transits through them. Zero or nil bindus sign means a sign without any benefic place (point or bindu). In the Bhinnashtakavarga of any planet, if any sign is without a bindu, it has some special significance. A sign may contain from 0 to 8 bindus.

In the Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury (54 bindus Jupiter (56 bindus) and Venus (52 bindus), one can find a sign having 5 bindus, but to have a sign without any bindu or 0 bindus is rare. On the contrary, 8 bindus in any sign in Bhinnashtakavargas of Mars and Saturn is a rarity, while 0 bindu sign is found very often in them.
Transit of Zero Bindu Signs

When each of the seven planets beginning with the Sun to Saturn transits through a sign in their respective Bhinnashtalcanargas having 0 bindus, the results are as follows:
(i) Sun – Death or its equivalent troubles.
(ii) Moon – Sorrow anxiety, unexpected death
(iii) Mars –  Stomach-ache, fainting, eye disease, death.
(iv) Mercury – Loss of everything (through enemies and intrigue) and consequent death.
(v) Jupiter – Loss of wealth or relations or children, becoming dull.
(vi) Venus – All kinds of calamities and
(vii) Saturn – Loss of everything, probability of death.

Death would be a certainty if on a day, the sum of the bindus associated with the seven planets in the signs transited by them (in their respective Bhinnashtakavargas) be very little.

Chart 1: Male : Born December 31, 1915 at 19h 44m.(IST) at 23N@,72E30, with a balance 10years 6 months 3 days of Rahu dasa at birth.
chart 1
Each planet from the Sun to Venus (six planets) gives a bindu to the sign occupied by himself. The result is that each of them can be associated with a minimum 1 bindu and a maximum of 8 bindus. Saturn does not contribute a bindu to the sign occupied by himself; as such Saturn can be associated with minimum 0 bindus and with maximum 7 bindus only and never, 8.
Zero Bindu Signs

This subject has been treated in two different ways:
1)    0 bindu sign having a planet (out of the remaining six planets) in the Bhinnashtakavarga of a planet;
2)    0 bindu sign not having a planet in it.
The results given for the planets and houses are often found to be very accurate. In Chart 1, in Saturn’s Bhinnashtakavarga., there is no bindu in the 8th house from the Ascendant. The native remained hale and hearty throughout his long life of more than 80 years.

In Chart 2, in Jupiter’s Bhinnashtakavarga, the 12th house from the Ascendant has no bindu. The native, though born in a middle class family, was well-to-do. In Chart 3, in Saturn’s Bhinnashtakavarga the 7th house has no bindu.

Houses with Zero Bindus

The various houses (signs) in any Bhinnashtakavarga having 0 bindu give the following results:-
First House – one suffers from serious disease.
Second-Very poor.
Third – Weak-bodied not daring.
Fourth -Unhappy.
Fifth –  Evil-minded.
Sixth – Successful (victorious).
Seventh – Without marital happiness, loss of wife.
Eighth – Healthy, long-lived.
Ninth – Doing sinful deeds.
Tenth – Without honor, inactive.
Eleventh – A beggar, without income.
Twelfth – Wealthy.

The native’s wife never enjoyed sound health and was always complaining of aches and pains. According to Phaladeepika (XV-12)


खेटो  बिन्दुशून्यर्क्ष युक्त : |
    तत्तपाके मूर्तिभावादिकानां नाशं  व्रयादैवविप्रा श्नकाय ॥

The destruction of a Bhava from the Ascendant onward should be predicted by the astrologer to a querist, during the Dasa or Bhukti of a planet which occupies a house (sign) where there is no bindu. In Chart 1, in Saturn’s Bhinnashtakavarga there is no bindu in Aquarius sign (the 8th house) which is occupied by Jupiter. So Jupiter Dasa (or Bhukti) should destroy the 8th house or be adverse to the native as far as health is concerned.

From the research point of view, the converse (opposite) can also be considered. For instance, there can be enhancement of a Bhava during the Dasa or Bhukti of a planet which occupies a house (sign) where there are 8 bindus in Bhinnashtakavarga of any planet. In Chart 1, in Venus Bhinnashtakavarga there are 8 bindus in Libra (the 4th house) which is occupied by the Moon. So the Moon Dasa or Bhukti should enhance the good results of the 4th house.

The unfavourable results pertaining to the 8th house during Jupiter Bhukti in various Dasa and favourable results pertaining to the 4th house during the Moon Bhuktis in various Dasas were more or less actually experienced by the native.

According to Chandrakala Nadi, Vol-II (Part I, V-439)

सूर्याष्टवर्गे नवमे बिन्दु शून्ये प्रजायते
पित्रुव्यद्वेषमूलेन स्वपित्र रिष्टमादिशेत

If there is 0 bindu in the 9th house (sign) from the Ascendant in the Sun’s Bhinnashtakavarga., the native’s father’s ill-luck, misfortune, injury, loss or calamity is caused by the enmity of father’s brethren. The Sun gives a bindu in the 9th place from him while the ascendant does not contribute a bindu in the 9th place; hence Navame is interpreted as the 9th from the Ascendant.

This principle can be applied to other Karakas also such as the Moon for mother and Venus for wife.

According to Chandrakala Nadi, Vol II(Part I, V-417)

भिन्नाष्टकवर्गे लग्नेशे फलहीनस्य राशिषु Iस्फुटयोगं गते जीवेत्वलपसौरव्य˙‖

When Jupitor transits a sign of the Ascendant, without a bindu in the Bhinnashtakavarga, of the lord of the Ascendant, on the degree of the Ascendant (Sphutayogam) the native has very little happiness .
The lord of Ascendant can be any one of the seven planets. Jupiter’s transit in the Bhinnashtakavarga of the Sun, in a sign having 0 bindus and the transit of the Sun and Saturn concurrently taken into accout cause ill-health, severe sickness and perhaps death.

 Transits in Bhinnashtakavarga
a) SUN – When the Sun transits a sign having 0 bindus in his Bhinnashtakavarga, the solar month represented by that sign every year is auspicious for marriage and other religious functions, quarrels and other miseries occur during that month.
b) MOON – (i)When the Moon transits a sign void of a bindu in his bhinnashtakavarga, one should perform any auspicious work, because all functions undertaken will end in failure. (ii) Even contact or association with persons having their Moon in a sign containing 0 bindu(in the Moon’s Bhinnashtakavarga.)The will result in great disaster.
(c) Mars – Vararuchi, Ch.IV, V.2l

  कुजाष्टकवर्गे...सोदरे बिंदुहीने च भ्रातृहीनों भवेत्र्र :

   (a) If the 3rd house from Mars in his Bhinnashtakavarga is without a bindu, the native has no brother (or sister), (b)When Mars in his  Bhinnashtakavarga transits through a sign without a bindu, the brother or sister of the native will suffer miseries, ill-health, injury etc.

(d)Mercury – If the 2nd house from Mercury in his Bhinnashtakavarga. contains not even  the one bindu, the person born will be dumb.
(e) Jupiter – Practically all standard texts on astrology refer to the 5th house from Jupiter to determine the number of children. But Balabhadra refers to the 9th house from Jupiter in the following verse :
Hora Ratnam, Part II (P. 354, Verse I)

गुरोरष्टकवर्गेषु संतानमपि कल्पयेत|गुरो ∶स्थितः शुभस्थाने विघते यवथा फलम ‖

Chart 2: Male: Born July 28, 1923 at 5h.48m. (lST) at 23N2, 72E39, with a balance 9 years 10 month,1 day of Moon Dasa at birth.

Chart 2

In support of this view, refer to Chart 2, There is no bindu in the 9th house from Jupiter in his Bhinnashtakavarga. The native had no children and died on June 2, 1990 (67th year) when Jupiter was transiting the 12th house (Gemini sign) without a bindu. No doubt, as
referred earlier, the native, having 0 bindu in the l2th house from the Ascendant, was wealthy.
Further research on this point is necessary.

(f) Venus – According to Prabudh Hora Navarna (1- 47)


अल्परेखान्विते शूक्रवर्गराशिगत शनौ Ι
नारीवियोगजं ढु :खं तदा वाधं सुरिभे :॥

Learned astrologers say that when Saturn transits a sign having very few bindus (nil or one) in Venus’ Bhinnashtakavarga., a native suffers from the pangs of separation from his wife (absence of conjugal hoppiness, staying away from wife on account of some unavoidable circumstances).

 (g) Saturn :-(i) When Saturn transits a sign  without a bindu in the Bhinnashtakavarga of the Sun etc., he generally causes acute diseases, miseries, uneasiness, fear from enemies and afflictions to the father and other relations according to their Karakattwa.
Saturn is the Karaka for oneself, the Sun for the father, the Moon for the mother, Mars for the brothers, Mercury for relations and maternal
uncle or aunt, Jupiter for the children and Venus, for the wife.
(ii) According to Vararuchi, Chap IV(62-63)

दुष्टस्थानधिपाथे मन्द दुष्टस्यानांस्थातोपि वा ॥अत्प बुद्धि समायाते जातौ दैन्य मवन्पुयात् lरोगी भवति दुष्टात्मा विद्दभावे मरिष्यति ॥

If Saturn, occupying or owning the 6th, the 8th or the l2th house is associated with one bindu, the native suffers poverty. If such a Saturn is associated with 0 bindus (in the natal chart) the native is a wicked man or suffers from diseases or dies a premature death.

(iii) Narada says,
If Saturn is associated with 0 bindu MAY 2015 in his Bhinnashtakavarga of Saturn in any sign in the natal chart short life will result or the native will lose all his wealth.

Chart 3: Male: Born October 7, 1935, at 5h.10m at23N2, 72E39, with a balance of 9 years 6 days of Moon Dasa at birth.

Chart 3

In Chart 3, Satum, lord of the 6th house is in the 7th house. In the Bhinnashtakavarga of Saturn, the 7th house has no bindu. The native, though born in a rich family, passed through  direct circumstances. He lost the greater part of his paternal wealth in the mid-80’s.

(iv) Find which house (sign) has the minimum number of bindus in the Bhinnashtakavarga., of Saturn. Some kind of trouble will be happening daily at the time when that sign rises in the East (i.e., when that sign becomes the Ascendant).
(v) Find, out the sign with 0 bindus in Bhinnashtakavarga. of Saturn. When Saturn transits that sign, no good results promised by that sign (house) will happen and the native will suffer physical ailments (or bodily sufferings) or incur loss of wealth.

If the Sun and the Moon along with Saturn transit the said sign and if the Dasa or Bhukti of a Maraka planet is in progress, death may
take place.

Courtesy: Modern Astrology (C.S Patel)

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