Selection of an Auspicious Time

Selection of an Auspicious TimeWe are confronted in our day-to-day life with the question of selection of an auspicious time. Sometimes it is very difficult to find such a time on any particular day. The main point to be looked into in selecting the proper time is the strength of the Moon. Many a time it happens that even after selecting a particular time considering all the planets, we do not get the proper result. We must presume then that there may be some mistake in our calculations and it may be that even though all other factors are good, the position of the Moon could have been unhelpful.

The following details on the selection of the exact time based on the Moon’s movements are culled from ancient Jain literature.

The Moon stays in one sign for about two and a half days. During this sojourn, he passes through twelve Avastas as follows:

1) Proshita  2) Hruta  3) Mruta  4) Jaya 5) Hasa 6) Harsha  7) Rati  8) Nidra 9) Bhukti 10) Jara  11) Bhaya  and 12) Shushita

Of these, the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and the 12th Avastas are good and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th,10th and 11th are evil.

Find out the time taken for the Moon to travel in a particular sign and divide it by 12.Each portion will be one Avasta period with the first Avasta for each sign being as shown in Table I. The other Avastas follow in order.

Table I: First Avastas
Moon in First Avasta
Aries Proshita
Taurus Hruta .
Gemini Mrita
Cancer Jaya
Leo Hasa
Virgo Harsha
Libra Rati
Scorpio Nidra
Sagittarius Bhukti
Capricorn Jara
Aquarius Bhaya
Pisces Shushita

When the Moon is in a Subha Avasta, even an evil Sun will give good results. In selecting the Moon-sign, the Moon should be benefic,that is, he should be in Sukla 5th or Panchami to Krishna 5th or panchami of the lunar month. Further the Moon should not be in 4th,8th or 12th from the Janma Rasi.

After selecting this broad timing, the particular hour can be selected. The day is divided into 32 portions, 16 in the daytime and 16 in nighttime; Find out the Dinamana (duration of day time) or Ratrimana (duration of nighttime) for the particular day and divide it by 16. Each portion will be of about 45 minutes. These are called ever-auspicious Muhurtas for specific purposes. In all there are sixteen such Muhurtas and each is meant for a specific activity.

 Table II: Muhurtas for Specific Activity

SI. No. Name Activity
1 Raudra  Drastic, severe acts
2 Shweta  Catching four legged animals
3 Maitra  Donations, Mantrasiddhi etc
4 Charvata Tantric – Pratistha etc
5 Jayadeva Any good purpose
6 Vairochana  For all good acts
7 Turdeva  Study of religious scriptures
8 Abhijit  Entering new house, bride’s first entry into husband’s house
9 Ravana Secret acts – attack on enemy
10 Baalava  Planning for success over enemies
11 Vibhishana  For all good acts
12 Nandana Starting a new machine
13 Yaamya  Tantric Rituals
14 Soumya Dance – Music – Elocution
15 Bhargava Marriage – Love – Union
16 Savitra  Sainthood, accepting Yantra – Religious scriptures etc.

The Muhurtas come in regular order. The different Muhurtas start on different weekdays as shown in Table III and are reckoned from sunrise and sunset in the order shown in Table II.

Table III

Weekday First Muhurtas
Sunday Raudra
Monday Maitra
Tuesday Jayadeva
Wednesday Turdeo
Thursday Ravana
Fridays Vibhishana
Saturday Yamya
Thus by a combination of Tables II and III, one is able to find out the best time for a particular occasion to ensure success of the results•
Courtesy: MODERN ASTROLOGY(Author :Dr. M. V Mehta)

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