Kuja Dosha is Not Damaging

The whole exercise in a series of editorials centred aroundproving Kuja Dosha as the most potent factor in causing damage to married life through separation, divorce or death.

According to Brihat Parasara Hora and Jataka Parijata, Kuja Dosha occurs when Mars is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th from the Ascendant, Moon or Venus.

Besides, Saturn in the Ascendant, 2nd, 7th 8th or the 12th can also adversely affect marital peace as also Rahu particularly when in the 2nd, 7th or 8th house. These factors also need to be taken into consideration.

The percentage of birth charts, under these conditions, statistically free from Kuja Dosha would be abysmally low. In other words, very few people would be fortunate to have a happy married life for more than two decades or so.

The October 2012 editorial raises the question whether the Ascendant lord can also to be considered a benefic, even if he be a natural malefic.

If the Ascendant lord, whether a benefic or a malefic (if not afflicted or ill-placed, particularly with respect to the 7th house) is not to be taken to as a benefic, then I think the entire astrological literature has to be re-written as several Yogas and Raja Yogas are based on the so called malefics as Ascendant lord. Even in the case of benefics, Venus as Ascendant lord will be the lord of the 6th or the 8th house as well. Jupiter and Mercury when Ascendant lord are lords of benefic houses, but these also have been acknowledged as turning functional malefics due to Kendradhipati Dosha particularly when placed in Kendras and are not given much weightage as lords of Trika houses. That may explain Kuja Dosha being effective despite Mars being aspected by a benefic in some charts.

Therefore, it is not rational to consider all such combinations rendered as ineffective in case the so called Kuja Dosha is present in a chart.

Chart 1: Born August 8, 1912 at 19h.43m. at 12N59,77E38.
Chart 2:Female: Born December 31,1969 at 20h.22m. at 29N56,77E12


With Venus and in the 4th house from the Moon generating Kuja Dosha from all the three centres which should have proved most damaging. There is no Kuja Dosha in the birth chart of his life partner Mrs. Rajeswari Raman to counteract it. What then made them live together honorably for more than 60 years and she, who would have been the victim of Kuja Dosha in Dr.Raman’s chart, outliving him for almost a decade ? Dr.Raman himself explains it when he says:
No Dosha, including Kuja Dosha, is exclusively evil. Under certain conditions Kuja Dosha could even be a blessing in disguise as it would ensure a long and happy married life and that was true in his case.
What are those conditions except those recognized as capable of canceling or neutralizing Kuja Dosha ? In this case, one would think it was due to the influence of Venus and Mercury.
This is not an isolated example and it is not uncommon to come across charts where despite Mars being in the Dosha state, the natives have enjoyed long married lives.

There seems hardly any justification in labeling Kuja Dosha as an infallible signal for explosion in the marital domain.

The native of Chart 2 married in September 1996 and divorced in January 2000. Cancer known for disturbing marital peace rises in the Ascendant with Mars in the 8th generating Kuja Dosha.
Besides the Kuja Dosha, there are several other factors indicating marital discord such as (i) Venus in the 6th house joined by Maraka Sun. Moreover Venus in Moola

Nakshatra is rendered worse by the aspect of Ketu. (ii) The Ascendant lord Moon being in 6-8 position from the 7th lord Saturn indicates discord between the couple. (iii) Mercury as 12th lord (known as separatist) in the 7th house, (iv) the 7th lord being aspected byKetu, a known separatist
(v) Venus, the Karaka of marriage joined by the Sun is undesirable (vi) 7th lord Saturn in inimical sign in the Nakshatra of Ketu aspected by Ketu. The 6th lord, a separatist Jupiter, in the 4th house of domestic peace made worse by the aspect of Saturn as well as by Rahu which is more than enough to cause damage on the domestic front. Even from Chandra Lagna, the 7th house is trapped between malefics. Thus discord was inevitable even if Kuja Dosha were not present.

In conclusion.

(i) Mere presence of Kuja Dosha does not necessarily mean marital discord by separation, divorce or death.
(ii) Besides Kuja Dosha there can be other factors capable of causing damage, many even more damaging than Kuja Dosha
(iii) Overemphasis on Kuja Dosha is, therefore, uncalled for.

What then the justification in putting the blame Mars alone ?


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