The zodiac is divided into 12 parts (30 degrees each) and the planets have been assigned ownership of these signs. Thus, we can see that there are 2 signs each for 5 planets along with Sun and Moon having one sign each. Rahu, Ketu and Gulika do not have own signs.
Own sign (Swakshetra), Moolathrikona
A planet’s swakshetra is the sign for which it is considered the lord. Similarly, there is moolathrikona, exalted and debilitated signs.
Planets have half strength in their own sign and full strength in their exalted sign. There is no strength at all in the debilitated sign. The opposite signs of exalted signs are debilitated. In the exalted sign itself, a single point is highly exalted. The similar point in the opposite sign is highly debilitated. That is, for Sun Mesha is the exalted sign. In it, the 10thdegree is highly exalted. In any year, the Sun is most strong on Mesha 10th. Therefore, this day has great importance. This day is called Pathamodayam.
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