Divisional Charts: D1 and D2

Divisional Charts D1 and D 2

Divisional Charts

Rasi – D1

The Rasi Or sign which is owned by a planet called its kshetra or House.

Hora – D2

The first house of half of the odd signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) or from 0degree to 15 degrees is the Hora of the Sun while the second half from 16 degrees to 30 degrees is the hora of the Moon..

The reverse is the case in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces) There, the first half of the sign 0 degrees to 15 degrees is ruled by the Moon while the second half 16 degrees to 30 degrees by the sign.


The Lords of the Hora of the Moon are forefathers and those of the Sun are the Devas ie Gods and Goddesses.

Half of the Rasi or sign is called Hora. These are totally 24. (The number of Hora in 12 signs is 24) In these Horas, the signs Aries, etc. are counted twice.

The Sun, Jupiter and Mars being main planets give good results when placed in the Hora of the Sun( Leo in Hora Chart) The Moon, Venus, and Saturn being female planets give good results when placed in the Hora of the Moon ( Cancer in Hora Chart) Mercury gives good results in both the Hora of the Sun and the Moon. ie. both Leo and Cancer in Hora Chart.

In even signs the Horal of the Moon and in odd signs the Hora of the Sun has more pronounced results. The impact of the Hora placement of the planet is maximum at the beginning of the Hora and nil towards the end of the Hora.

During the sub-periods of the planets placed in the Hora of the Sun and in the sub-periods of the Sun itself, a person earns and accumulates wealth through his efforts.

However, the earnings and accumulation are dependent on the strength of the concerned planets.

During the sub-period of the planets placed in the Hora of the Moon and in the sub-periods of the Moon itself, the earnings and accumulation come naturally without much effort. However, the earnings and accumulation are dependent on the strength of the concerned planets.

Author: Bharati R Ram

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