Human life is multi-faceted in nature and the same individual functions as a parent, spouse, servant, boss etc., depending on the need of the hour and one’s age. Although each of these facets is basically governed by a separate house, its actual functioning is dependent on the other personal resources of the native signified by other houses in the chart. As such, there exists an inter-link among the various houses at different levels. Hence, among the multiple Karakattwas assigned to a house, a few of them only are specific to that particular house and not all.
Pairing Of Opposite Houses IIIA

Second and Eighth Houses
A complete and comprehensive view of the horoscope can be obtained only if all the Bhavas are judged by taking into consideration their inter-connected roles in the chart instead of looking for the influences on an isolated Bhava. This series discusses the technique of analyzing the influence of the 12 Bhavas by pairing them with six sets of opposites. The inter-link between the Ascendant and the 7th house has been discussed earlier. The subtle link between the 2nd and 8th houses will be examined next.
The significations of the 2nd house according to classical works are: Dhana vriddhi (improvement in finance). Kutumbha ( family), eye (right eye for a male and left eye for female), (Vidya) primary education, (Vitta) wealth, (Vaak) speech, Swa (effort for attaining riches), Vastra (dress), Annapana (food and drink). Asya (face), tongue, mind, nails. Satyasatya (honesty), Adrishta (luck) etc.
The significations of the 8th house are: Wounds due to weapons, chronic illness, impediments to endeavours (Karya Vigna) sorrow and miseries (Klesha), defeat or humiliation (Parabhava), longevity (Ayush), Mangalya (in a female chart), Randhara (a weak or vulnerable point, a hole or an aperture), Malinadhi (filth, sadness etc), Apavadha (blame), Marana ( death)and Asuchi (impurity).
It is evident from these significations that these two homes govern at a primary level many important and secret facets of a native’s life including longevity and death. The karakattwas of one Bhava are intertwined so well with those of the other than a one to one correspondence exists between most of them as will be evident front the discussion that follows. As such, a care of the influences on both these houses together would certainly reveal some of the most sought-after providential secrets of an individual’s life such as the possibilities of acquiring wealth and riches, causes for unexpected problems like blame, chronic illness, misfortunes, miseries, time and mode of death etc.
Two Basic Principles
In general, while studying the significations of the houses in a horoscope, two basic points must be kept in mind. The first one is that although each house has multiple significations, all of them do not manifest in the same dimension of life. Some of them influence the material areas while some results would be experienced only mentally and some others would be relevant only to the spiritual realms of life. Sometimes, it is possible that a few Karakattwas simultaneously operate in more than one dimension as well. To illustrate, out of the significations of the 2nd house wealth, food and eating habits, eye, document, relate more to the material dimension while family, learning, relate more to the mental dimension. Vak siddhi is a spiritual attainment rather than a physical or mental one. The significations like riches, etc., have their link to more than one dimension of life.
The second point that needs to be remembered is the inter-links among the houses in a chart. Human life is multi-faceted in nature and the same individual functions as a parent, spouse, servant, boss etc., depending on the need of the hour and one’s age. Although each of these facets is basically governed by a separate house, its actual functioning is dependent on the other personal resources of the native signified by other houses in the chart. As such, there exists an inter-link among the various houses at different levels so as to practically cover all the possibilities in all areas of life. Hence, among the multiple Karakattwas assigned to a house, a few of them only are specific to that particular house and not all Karakattwas assigned to it is unique to it and some of them are repeated in other houses also because they would be extending their ramifications into multiple houses in the chart. To illustrate, consider the significations of the 8th house itself. For judging sadness and sorrow of the native, the influences in the 4th house (Sukastana) are more important while for judging defeat or humiliation, the influences on the Ascendant and 6th houses are more important. For judging longevity and death, the influences on the 2nd and 7th houses are equally important.
These two principles are applicable to significations of all the 12 houses.
Therefore, these multi-level effects of Bhava Karakattwas need to be examined and understood clearly by proper analysis and synthesis even before examining the effects of interlinks between the pairs of opposite houses for achieving better depth and accuracy in prediction.
Courtesy: MODERN ASTROLOGY (Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar)
Continued from : Pairing Of Opposite Houses II
To be continued…..
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