4 Important Elements of Jathaka Porutham

4 Important Elements of Jathaka Porutham

Jathaka Porutham

Apart from the star compatibility, the compatibility of horoscopes should also be considered. The Papasamya should be checked with respect to the favourable and unfavourable positions of the malefic planets and on the basis of the ascendant, Moon and Venus. If the malefic planets of Mars, Sun, Saturn, and Rahu are placed in the ascendant, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12th houses in the horoscopes of male and female then they should be equally strong in both the horoscopes. For a malefic planet situated in the 7th or 8th house of the female horoscope, a malefic planet in the 7th house of the male horoscope would be the only solution. As a solution for malefic planets in the Vyayadhanahibuka positions (12, 2, 4), it must be ensured that there are malefic planets in 12, 2 and 4th positions in both the horoscopes. Generally, values are given in the form of 1 for ascendant, ½ for Moon and ¼ for Venus. It is always better if the malefic planets in both the horoscopes are equal. A slight increase in the malefic points (up to value 1) of the male horoscope can be passed. The malefic points in the female horoscope should not in any way be greater than that in the male horoscope. The presence of Jupiter yoga or Drishti reduces the dosha.

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If Mars is the lord of the ascendant then there will not be Mars dosha.

Mars is malefic in all the houses (12, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8) for which Papasamya is checked. Mars dosha should not be attributed if Mars is occupying the 8th. as the lord of the 7th house. (eg: Tula, Vrisha, ascendant)

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With Mars in the 8th, if there is a benefic planet in the 9th house, then Mars dosha should not be attributed.

Mars with Jupiter yoga or drishti is not considered malefic.

If Mars, as lord of the ascendant, is occupying the 8th. (in the female horoscope), then there is no Mars dosha.

The situation in the 8th. should be confirmed considering the house.

In both female and male horoscope, Mars in the 8th. creates dosha.

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The Dasha sandhi in both the horoscopes should be evaluated before matching them. There should be at least one year difference between the periods when Dasas end in both the horoscopes.

Rahu/Jupiter Dasasandhi for men, Venus/Sun Dasasandhi for women and Mars/Rahu Dasasandhi for both women and men are hostile. The Dasasandhi of the lords of 3, 5, and 7 houses are also unfavourable.

Aya and Vyaya

Vyaya is the result that we get when the distance between the female star to the male star is calculated and that sum is first multiplied with 5 and then divided with 7.

Aya is calculated by taking the number of stars from the male star to the female star and then multiplying it with 5 and dividing with 7. Between the two, if Aya is greater then the marriage will bring prosperity.

Manaporutham or Mental compatibility

If a man finds himself drawn to a woman he should definitely marry her. Of all the advantages, mental compatibility is most important. Here the natural mental harmony is implied and not the physical attraction.

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